• How to Grow a Global Team of Freelancers for Small Business Success

    Offer Valid: 07/23/2023 - 07/24/2025

    Freelancing is an increasingly popular way to make a living, and many businesses are turning to freelancers to help them reach their goals. However, it can be difficult to build and manage a team of freelancers when everyone is scattered in different locations. Today, the Bella Glade Chamber of Commerce shares some tips to help you build an effective, productive, and happy team of freelance professionals.


    Find the Best Freelancers


    Finding the best freelancers for your team can be challenging. To start, use online job sites to connect with qualified talent. You can also post openings on social media and reach out to your network for referrals. Make sure you have an effective interview process in place to ensure you end up with the right people for the job. Finally, use Global Background Screening to vet your candidates.


    Learn Which Kinds of Freelancers Are Most Suited for Remote Work


    Many freelancers today are used to working in an office environment and may find it difficult to transition to remote work. It’s important to be aware of this and consider whether a freelancer has the right skills, temperament, and tools needed for an effective remote work setup. Furthermore, those who have already been successful in a remote setting should be prioritized due to their understanding and experience of the unique challenges that come with working from home.


    Establish Guidelines for Effective Communication


    One of the most important aspects of managing a remote team is establishing clear methods of communication so everyone is on the same page when it comes to tasks and deadlines. Invest in tools that allow teams to communicate quickly and easily without having to be in the same physical space. Also, set up regular checkpoint meetings to ensure that everyone is on track with their tasks and projects.


    You can also take advantage of free online tools to help streamline your communication. For instance, PDFs are a great format for sending important files over email or uploading them to a sharepoint for your freelancers to easily access. Here’s a great resource if you need a PDF file converter for changing over Microsoft Word, Excel, and other files to PDFs.


    Prepare Your Payment Strategy


    When working with freelancers, it's important to create a plan for how payment will be issued. Establishing payment terms ahead of time helps avoid potential misunderstandings. Manage expectations in order to guarantee smooth transactions.


    Have Company Protections in Place


    Forming a limited liability company (LLC) is an important step to protect your business from legal disputes. It also makes it easier to file taxes. An LLC provides protection from personal liability and gives you the flexibility to pay independent contractors instead of employees. With the additional layers of safety it offers for your business, setting up an LLC is an essential step toward success.


    Building a successful team of freelancers takes organization and dedication, but it can be done. Investing in project management and collaboration tools, utilizing PDFs to streamline communication, planning for payments, and establishing your business as an LLC are all important steps to keep your remote workforce organized, productive, and happy. With the right strategies and great communication, you can create meaningful connections and achieve your business goals faster.

    Join the Bella Glade Chamber of Commerce to connect with events, mentors, and other resources that will help you build a thriving business in our community!

    This Hot Deal is promoted by Belle Glade Chamber of Commerce.